Digital Innovation News & Insights | Exception

Policing in a Digital World | Exception

Written by Admin | Apr 29, 2022 10:26:00 AM

Embracing both the challenges and opportunities of digital disruption are critical to UK police forces and the National Policing Digital Strategy sets out clear aims and aspirations to improve policing. Through a combination of modernisation and the exploitation of innovative technology, there is the opportunity to digitally transform policing and harness data to enable intelligence-led preventative policing. Exception understands both the challenges and opportunities and we are helping forces assess their digital maturity and effectively plan their digital transformation.

Creating a Digital Capability for the Digital Age

ICT functions in police forces are a critical support function, helping to ensure frontline police officers have the right technology and support they need. However, forces now need a digital transformation capability working in harmony with operational ICT to drive forward local and national digital technology programmes, with effective:

  • Strategic direction to pave the way for the future with digitally supported policing
  • Technology roadmaps to assure the digital journey, making digital adoption easier
  • Governance & control to ensure that progress is made with accountability and adequate planning.

As experts, Exception can help police forces transform their ICT functions, developing force-aligned digital strategies and roadmaps while also putting in place effective digital portfolio management approaches.

Optimising your ICT

Forces face a significant challenge in modernising their ICT estates, with some having suffered from under-investment, resulting in legacy on-premise environments that are increasingly difficult and costly to maintain. Moving infrastructure and key platforms to the cloud and adopting new national systems using commercially available off-the-shelf software is the way forward, but it needs to be well-planned and delivered with the right expertise.

Getting More Value from ICT Investment

Across policing, technology spend has been growing year-on-year and will further increase in the coming years to support the delivery of the local services underpinned by the Policing Digital Strategy and the Policing Futures Framework. It is critical that forces fully adopt and exploit modern & innovative technologies effectively, and change the way they operate, in order to realise the expected benefits and return from the investment. Key to this is the alignment between the force digital strategy and frontline policing, ensuring solutions are well-implemented and fully embedded into policing ways of working. Ensuring there is effective adoption & change management embedded from the outset we believe is key to delivering greater value and improved operational support to the police officers themselves.

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