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Reducing R&D costs through innovative serverless cloud solutions

Reducing R&D costs through innovative serverless cloud solutions


Invent Design Build (IDB) is a Research and Development Consultancy, specialising in New Product Development.  Over the last 20 years it has developed expertise working with Entrepreneurs and Tier 1 Manufacturers in developing Digital IoT Products, Apps and Cloud based solutions.


The Challenge

IDB required a Cloud based solution to transform its Critical Design Review process. It recognised this would deliver significant value for their customers, helping them to reduce risk in their organisations.

But its customers have many projects running across multi-disciplinary teams distributed in global locations. Each individual project and team relied heavily on manual and disparate processes to support their R&D processes.  These teams needed a way to gather lessons from multiple projects into a central archive for knowledge management and risk prediction based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Why did IDB choose Exception?

Derek Liddle, IDB New Product Specialist

IDB presented a Green Field project: It needed both consultancy and direction on the best approach and technology to deliver on these business requirements. This is where Exception stepped in. It implemented an Agile Methodology using a Discovery Phase to identify these requirements, then defined a product roadmap which presented the most suitable technology as part of IDB's Critical Design Review. 

Invent Design Build needed to create a minimum value proposition (MVP) within 8 weeks. Equally importantly, it required a partner with the ability to present alternative technology options and provide a cloud solution architected to be economical, scalable and responsive.

Derek Liddle, IDB New Product Specialist (pictured), explains why choosing Exception made perfect sense: 

“We wanted to partner with Exception for their technical expertise as an accredited AWS Lambda partner. They had the capability to help us develop our Project Management Tool, known as DEXTR. Exception responded quickly, providing essential input for our funding application.”

Above all, a collaborative approach and methodology were instrumental in the project. Both credentials were demonstrated from the initial Discovery phase of the project right through to final Delivery. Exception provided IDB with value and efficiency right from the start, sharing digital expertise and insights

Exception worked directly with IDB to rapidly create a minimal viable product (MVP), using an innovative serverless cloud solution to test with their current customers. The team were able to design and build the rapid prototyping, with the AWS Lambda Serverless Computing service playing a key role in the development. 

How Exception helped IDB

Exception AWS Advanced Partner

Exception worked directly with IDB to rapidly create a minimal viable product (MVP), using cloud technology to test with their current customers. The team were able to design and build the application in the tight time frame, with the AWS Lambda Serverless Computing service playing a key role in the rapid development.

Key advantages: 

  • Intuitive user interface
  • IDB benefited from quickly bringing their idea to life to explore with their customers 
  • Minimal development cost  
  • Exception’s highly-experienced AWS-accredited team

Ultimately, Invent Design Build benefited from a greater return on investment compared with traditional technologies which require high initial investment and initial complexity.     

Neil Campbell, Exception’s Head of Cloud and Cyber, summed up:

“Taking a cloud native, serverless strategy set ourselves apart from other digital solutions providers that often use blended technology approaches. Lambda was the best option for IDB to get the best from the cloud. This delivery method put us ahead of many other digital consultancies and their end customers.”  

  • Thanks to Exception's proven cloud technology expertise, IDB created a clear, intuitive front-end solution that removes the need for training or staff on-boarding
  • The application is now being rolled out to customers and has received great feedback  

Discover how we boost digital innovation with AWS Serverless Technology  


“Exception's AWS Lambda expertise was invaluable, enabling us to develop and test our new cloud solution tool. We can now further develop our business, plus support our customers with a new way of working that is more productive and efficient."

New Product Specialist / Invent Design Build


Invent Design

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